Senators David Perdue and Rick Scott: Families Can’t Wait Any Longer for Disaster Relief

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Legislative

“Together, we should demonstrate to the American people that in times of natural disasters, Washington can still work.”


U.S. Senators David Perdue (R-GA) and Rick Scott (R-FL) sent a letter to Democrat senators in states impacted by natural disasters urging them to immediately pass disaster relief funding, which has been stalled by political obstruction. It’s been 208 days since Hurricane Michael devastated Florida’s Panhandle and Southwest Georgia.

See the full letter HERE and below.

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, this body has a long history of supporting states hit by natural disasters with supplemental funding bills moved quickly and with bipartisan support. Within 10 days of Hurricane Katrina, Congress passed supplemental disaster relief funding. After Hurricanes Ike and Gustav, it took 17 days. For Hurricane Andrew, the last Category 5 storm to strike the United States, it took 34 days.

Even after Hurricane Sandy, which sparked substantial debate, Congress passed a supplemental funding bill 74 days later. At the time, Senator Schumer complained about the delay and said “we can’t wait any longer.”

It’s been 208 days since Hurricane Michael devastated Florida’s Panhandle and Southwest Georgia and a disaster funding bill is still in limbo. Fortunately, there’s been some movement in the last few days and we hope that both sides are ready to come to an agreement.

We can’t wait any longer. Our states need to continue repairs on military installations, help communities with debris removal, and support our agricultural communities that were devastated by this storm.


Let’s be clear, the people of Florida and Georgia are not alone in this fight. Our bipartisan disaster funding includes support for families impacted by:

  • An earthquake in Alaska,
  • Volcanic activity in Hawaii,
  • Devastating wildfires in California,
  • Hurricanes that hit North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia and the central Northern Mariana Islands,
  • The 2017 hurricanes in Puerto Rico,
  • Tornadoes in Alabama and Georgia, and
  • Recent flooding in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and South Dakota.

The bill includes funding for states represented by Senators Murkowski, Sullivan, Schatz, Hirono, Feinstein, Harris, Burr, Tillis, Graham, Tim Scott, Rubio, Isakson, Shelby, Jones, Grassley, Ernst, Roberts, Moran, Fischer, Sasse, Blunt, Hawley, Thune and Rounds.

In California and Hawaii, this will specifically help communities rebuild from devastating wildfires and volcanic eruptions. Without this critical assistance, your states will struggle to recover. This situation is not partisan and if no action is taken these communities will continue to suffer. 

Today, we are urging all of our Senate colleagues, and particularly those in the states impacted by these recent natural disasters, to work together and get a deal done and push both party’s leaders to bring a bill to the floor. There should be a vote this week. We see no reason to delay it any longer.

However, we need your help to get this done. We should take action now to help those who need immediate assistance. Together, we should demonstrate to the American people that in times of natural disasters, Washington can still work.


Rick Scott
United States Senator

David Perdue
United States Senator

Source: Office of Senator David Perdue