USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) wants to remind producers that higher levels of coverage are available through the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP). The 2018 Farm Bill also increased service fees and made other changes to the program, including service fee waivers for qualified military veterans interested in obtaining NAP coverage.
NAP provides financial assistance to producers of commercial crops for which insurance coverage is not available in order to protect against natural disasters that result in lower yields or crop losses, or prevent crop planting.
The 2018 Farm Bill reinstates higher levels of coverage, from 50 to 65 percent of expected production in 5 percent increments, at 100 percent of the average market price. Producers of organics and crops marketed directly to consumers also may exercise the “buy-up” option to obtain NAP coverage of 100 percent of the average market price at the coverage levels of between 50 and 65 percent of expected production. NAP basic coverage is available at 55 percent of the average market price for crop losses that exceed 50 percent of expected production.
Producers have a one-time opportunity to obtain buy-up coverage for 2019 or 2020 eligible crops for which the NAP application closing date has passed, but that ends May 24, 2019. For more information, visit www.fsa.usda.gov/nap or contact your local USDA Service Center.