The 2019 Florida Beef Cattle Short Course will be held May 8-10 at the Alto and Patricia Straughn IFAS Extension Professional Development Center in Gainesville. The premier educational event is designed for serious beef cattle producers in the Southeast. Discussions will be held concerning the beef cattle industry’s future direction, there will be information provided on management decision making skills, and new information about specific production and management practices that impact your beef cattle enterprise.
This year’s event, titled Connecting the Dots, Calf to Carcass, starts Wednesday, May 8th at 1:00 Eastern and adjourns at noon on Friday the 10th. Some of the topics scheduled include Genetic Markers for Meat Quality, Reproductive Challenges in Cow-calf Operations, Value and Mechanics of Meat Exports, plus there will be a producer panel with experience feeding cattle.
And, the short course Program Committee and the Department of Animal Sciences wants those attending to know there is no charge for the Steak-Out Dinner that Thursday night, May 9th. But if you plan to attend the Steak-Out please RSVP to Rebecca Matta (rmatta@ufl.edu) so she can add you to the master list for an accurate head count for the meal.