FFB ‘Taste of Florida Agriculture’ Event Engages Lawmakers

Dan Florida, Legislative

The Florida Department of Agriculture’s Fresh From Florida team always draws a crowd when the chef is in action!
FFB President John Hoblick introduced Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried for comments to those attending the “Taste of Florida Agriculture” at the Capitol Courtyard.

Farm Bureau (FFB) members again hosted state lawmakers for food and festivities during the opening week of the legislative session, during their annual Farm Bureau Days event Wednesday at the state Capitol. Farm Bureau organizes this function and involves many of the state’s other commodity groups and related businesses, as a way to help educate lawmakers about the depth and importance of the industry to Florida’s overall economic health and environmental well-being.

The seafood offerings at this annual FFB legislative event always draws a waiting line for the goodies.

In this short interview FFB President John Hoblick, himself a nursery owner/operator from central Florida, discusses Farm Bureau Days and some challenges faced by agriculture in this year’s legislature.

Florida-Georgia Citrus from Monticello again returned for the fourth year to share some of their custom- squeezed citrus juice.
Pat Durden (l) & Dusty Holly (r) cook up the burgers at the FFB legislative event

Several hundred appeared on the Capitol courtyard near the end of the day to enjoy various food items from many choices available. It’s a highlight of the Session each year for lawmakers and their aides, and policy-makers and their assistants, to enjoy the festivities and the food. It makes for a good opportunity for them to meet and learn something about the state’s farmers and the agriculture industry, as unbridled urban growth continues to negatively impact farmers, ranchers and the environment throughout the state.

Representatives Rick Roth and Mike Caruso visit during the FFB “Taste of Florida Agriculture” reception

The opening week’s Farm Bureau Days at the Capitol is followed by another major agricultural event coming up next week, when Florida Cattlemen’s’ Association members will be in town for their legislative visits. Cattlemen will host lawmakers for a nearby “street party” reception after their day of business at the Capitol, Wednesday afternoon/evening.

In town to help dispel inaccurate information about farmers around Lake Okeechobee, Reverend Robert Rease from Belle Glade enjoys a hamburger from the Florida Cattlemen’s Association during the Farm Bureau event.