In the second of her series of preparing your garden, Cathy Isom has tips on the veggies and flowers you can start right now for springtime planting. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
It’s not too early to get your garden going. In fact, some of your warm weather vegetables need a longer growing period, so February is the perfect time to start tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants from seed indoors. But they will require a grow light.
If you’re planting potatoes this year, about the 3rd or fourth week of February is ideal time to plant them directly in the soil. You could also plant lettuce, chard, cabbage, and onions outdoors. Just be careful of cold snaps. Protect the crops by covering when necessary.
Start watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew by planting seeds indoors, duet the long growing season required by melons. Pumpkins require a long growing seas as well and should be started this month. Take this time to start your petunias, heliotrope, violas, snapdragons and geraniums indoors. Plant bushes, trees and roses outdoors.
I’m Cathy Isom…