Peterson Expects New Farm Bill in Lame-Duck Session

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

petersonThe likely incoming Chair of the House Agriculture Committee says farmers and ranchers can expect a new farm bill before the end of 2018. Collin Peterson, the current Ranking Member, said farm bill negotiators are getting “relatively close” to an agreement on a final measure that Congress could pass during the lame-duck session.

Various ag industry groups fear that starting a new farm bill development process in 2019 would mean a number of amendments that wouldn’t be beneficial to the industry. Politico says the commodity title isn’t settled yet but there are a number of options that negotiators can consider. The nutrition title appears to still be a sticking point as President Trump issued what amounted to a potential veto threat for any bill that doesn’t have stricter work requirements for SNAP participants. During a post-election press conference, Trump says, “We could have a very fast bill without the work rules but we want those work rules included.”

Politico also says there is a possibility Democrats may look deeper into Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue’s plans to relocate the Economic Research Service and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasters