ASTA Statement on FDA Plant and Animal Biotechnology Innovation Action Plan

Dan Biotechnology, Industry News Release

The following is a statement from American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) President & CEO Andrew LaVigne regarding the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) new Action Plan on biotechnology innovation:

Andrew W. “Andy” LaVigne

“We’re encouraged by FDA’s announcement that the agency is moving forward on a plan to provide clarity and foster future innovation around evolving plant breeding methods.

“ASTA submitted detailed comments on this topic to FDA in June. As the agency progresses in its efforts to complete this process, we look forward to continuing to provide important input and expertise on behalf of the U.S. seed industry. America’s plant breeding community has an excellent record of bringing new plant varieties to the marketplace for the benefit of farmers, gardeners, consumers and others, and we plan to continue that record as plant breeding methods evolve.

“To ensure U.S. agriculture remains at the forefront of innovation and maintains its leadership role globally, it’s critical that we have clear, consistent and science-based federal policies around new and emerging plant breeding methods.”

Source: American Seed Trade Association