Researchers at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) have revamped the Citrus Production Guide. What used to be a guide focused on pest management has stretched its scope to include horticulture and plant pathology, among other topics. Lauren Diepenbrock, an entomologist at the CREC, encourages citrus growers to grab a copy of the guide.
Regarding HLB, the guide offers different tools for growers to live with the disease, which will hopefully lead to a profitable future.
According to Diepenbrock, growers can get a copy of the guide at any University of Florida research station, they can also reach out to their local citrus Extension agent for a copy.
If you would like to hear more about the Citrus Production Guide and about Diepenbrock’s research background, listen to September’s All In for Citrus podcast. You can find the podcast here.