World Food Day: Farmers Committed to Decreasing Global Hunger

Dan Industry News Release

world foodThe following statement regarding 2018 World Food Day can be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall.

“Farm Bureau joins the world in commemorating 2018 World Food Day. America’s farmers and ranchers are committed to doing everything in their power to decrease global hunger and malnutrition. Advances in modern agricultural technology, from seed science to precision agriculture tools, are empowering us to grow more food on fewer acres.

“Sharing the bounty that comes from our farms in a way that makes the biggest difference for hungry people around the world is a continuing challenge, and we stand ready to work with public and private organizations in that collaborative response. We also know that our response to hunger must go beyond our own fields, to sharing technology and supporting initiatives focused on global agricultural development. Together, we can increase global food security. That’s important because a better-fed world is a more secure world.”

Source: American Farm Bureau Federation