Peanut Celebrations Happening in October / Hampton Farms Expanding Peanut Operation

Dan Georgia, Peanuts

celebrationsA lot of celebrations going on as peanut farmers trying to stay ahead of the storm and get as many peanuts in before Hurricane Michael moves into the area.

Peanut Celebrations Happening in October / Hampton Farms Expanding Peanut Operation

sunbeltCelebrations are going on at the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia. Continues through the 14th. The Sunbelt Ag Expo opens up the 16th, 17th, and 18th of October. The Georgia Peanut Festival is October the 20th in Sylvester, Georgia.

Also announcing this week. Hampton Farms. The in-shell producer of peanuts. Mainly of Virginia and North Carolina, some in Florida. They are expanding and investing in a peanut processing operation. Hampton Farms is well known for an extensive line of In-Shell Peanuts, Gourmet Peanuts, and Nut Butters under their own label and some private labels.

They are investing $5.735 million dollars to use to install a bulk peanut butter processing line. The expansion will provide about 14 new jobs and increase the purchase of Virginia type peanuts that can be grown in Florida, Alabama and Georgia, but mostly in the Virginia-Carolinas area.

I’m Tyron Spearman…