Celebrating National Taco Day

Dan This Land of Ours, Vegetables

celebratingCathy Isom fills us in about why today we are celebrating a popular food loved by millions and stuffed with offerings that may be growing in your very own garden! That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Celebrating National Taco Day

Morning, noon, or night, or in some cases late night, TACOS are a loved by millions in This Land of Ours. And every day on October 4th, they get their very own “National Taco Day.”

There are so many ways to enjoy a taco – hard shell or soft shell – and stuffed with so many delicious ingredients. Many of those taco offerings include vegetables you may be growing in your own garden. Tomatoes, peppers, garlic, lettuce, cabbage, jalapeños, to name a few.

The history of tacos predates the arrival of Europeans in Mexico. Although it is unclear why the Spanish used the word ‘taco’ to describe this native food. In 1964, Roberto L. Gomez established The National Taco Council, 3 years later sent a 55-pound taco to President Johnson in 19-67. Wow!

I’m Cathy Isom…