USMCA: No Pathway Forward for Beef Labeling

Dan Beef, Industry News Release

The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association expressed disappoint a new trade deal between the U.S., Mexico and Canada does not include a viable pathway forward for country-of-origin labeling on U.S. beef products. The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement, or USMCA, will replace the North usmcaAmerican Free Trade Agreement.

U.S. Cattlemen’s Association President Kenny Graner says the organization is “disappointed that the Administration turned its backs on U.S. cattle producers.” The organization says the administration missed an opportunity to re-establish a viable country-of-origin labeling program for U.S. beef products.

In August, the association sent a letter to President Trump outlining how they believed a modernized NAFTA could reinstate COOL and “prevent U.S. agriculture jobs from being outsourced to other countries that can produce beef at a lower cost.”

The association says in a statement that it will “continue to seek out avenues” for the return of COOL.

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.