NCBA: KORUS “Tore Down” Trade Barriers, Helped Increase Beef Exports

Dan Cattle, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

ncbaNational Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) President Kevin Kester released the following statement in response to the signing of the modernized Korea-United States Trade Agreement (KORUS):

“KORUS is a prime example of how U.S. producers benefit from trade agreements that reduce tariffs and implement science-based standards. Less than a decade ago, U.S. beef exports to South Korea were severely limited by a 40 percent tariff and a host of non-tariff trade barriers. KORUS tore down those barriers, helping turn South Korea into a leading destination for U.S. beef. In fact, exports to South Korea accounted for over $1 billion annually over the last two years. We applaud President Trump for his leadership in improving KORUS for other sectors and we know that a modernized KORUS agreement will allow U.S. producers to continue focusing on what we do best: Providing safe, high-quality beef for Korean families to enjoy.”

Source: National Cattlemen’s Beef Association