State Ag Officials Voice Concerns with Trade Approach

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

State agriculture officials say the Trump administration needs to aggressively seek market access across the globe, while expressing concerns with the administration’s trade agenda.

officialsThe National Association of State Departments of Agriculture passed two resolutions this week during its annual meeting that leadership says reaffirms the critical importance of international trade to the organization. The group of state agriculture officials says NASDA remains concerned with the use of unilateral action against trading partners to correct trade disputes. The organization also says a fully-seated, functioning appellate body at the World Trade Organization will not only allow the U.S. to work with like-minded countries to hold China accountable for its trade-distorting practices, it will also “enable the administration to remedy trade disputes with other countries who may discriminate against American farmers and ranchers.”

The organization is comprised of leadership from state agriculture departments.

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.