Dairy Farms Turning to GoFundMe to Stay in Business

Dan Dairy, Economy, Industry News Release

The wife of a Wisconsin dairy farmer started a GoFundMe page to help their family farm survive. With a goal of $35,000, the story made national headlines over the weekend, and as of Tuesday, donations have reached $90,000.

dairyIn her message, the wife was “asking for help to keep our small family dairy farm going.” The family farm recently went to take out a $35,000 loan to purchase half a herd of cows from a fellow farmer who was going out of business, but they were denied because of projected milk prices.

The fourth-generation farm dates back to 1873. However, with the dairy market muddled in oversupply and impacting prices, the farm was set to go out of business, unless it could take on more cows to bring in more milking money.

The plea, now well past its goal, concludes: “Please donate to help keep this farm going for more generations to come, the money will go to purchase new animals, hay and anything over would be applied to the farm loans.”

The page is now one of several found on the GoFundMe website seeking donations for dairy farms.

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.