Reasons to Plant Mache in Your Wintertime Garden

Dan Field Crops, This Land of Ours

wintertimeFor your upcoming garden, Cathy Isom tells us about one of the sturdiest greens to grow in the wintertime. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Reasons to Plant Mache in Your Wintertime Garden

Yes, it’s still summer. But when it comes thinking about our winter gardens, now is the time to be thinking of what to grow, and, what will grow the best. Especially in the most frigid of temps.

Mache, long beloved by the French, is a green. It is better recognized as corn salad or lamb’s lettuce. Though it isn’t as widely regarded as lettuce or the other aforementioned greens, it has been noted with affection, including from the long-departed American President Thomas Jefferson.

In a word, for those growing a winter garden, mache should definitely be on the plant list, and there are many reasons why. Mache has some notable qualities to appreciate. While it isn’t a great source of calories, most of those come in the form of either dietary fiber or protein. It is, however, a fine course of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A and C for example, with over 100 percent and 50 percent of our Recommended Daily Allowance, respectively.

I’m Cathy Isom…