NAFTA Talks Reach One-Year Mark, Close to U.S. Mexico Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiation effort passed the one-year anniversary this week.

A year ago Thursday, the U.S., Canada and Mexico convened for the start of the renegotiation talks. Now, the U.S. could be nearing a deal on naftaNAFTA, at least with Mexico.

Politico reports the political situation in both countries is such that each is more eager than ever to make a deal, setting up a scenario in which significant progress could be on the near horizon. Plus, the incremental progress, along with “good faith negotiations” between Mexico and the U.S. are offering signs of hope to U.S. farmers and business in the global trade arena.

Mexico says the list of items to resolve is “no longer a question of chapters, it’s now a question of paragraphs and points.”

Meetings were scheduled to continue through the end of this week in Washington as negotiators seek an agreement, before moving on to striking a deal with Canada.

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.