Poll Shows Voters Narrowly Support Aid for Farmers

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

A poll by Morning Consult and Politico shows nearly six in ten voters favor President Trump’s $12 billion plan to provide aid to farmers suffering from his trade policy.

pollNearly 2,000 registered voters were surveyed, and 57 percent either somewhat or strongly support the farmer aid package that was announced a week ago. Support came primarily from Republicans, with nearly eight in ten saying they strongly or somewhat support the idea, while 54 percent of independents and 38 percent of Democrats agreed. Rural voters in the poll also showed strong support for the aid plan, with 63 percent reacting favorably to the proposal.

The poll was conducted over a four-day period and found that nearly half of respondents favored free trade, indicating that free trade agreements have a somewhat or very positive impact on the U.S. economy. 48 percent of voters polled, meanwhile, indicated support for the use of tariffs on foreign goods competing with U.S. goods.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.