How Relief Plan Helps Livestock and Dairy Producers

Dan Cattle, Dairy, Economy

relief planIt was announced by USDA this week that they are going to take several actions to assist farmers in response to trade damage from unjustified retaliation. Specifically, USDA will authorize up to $12 billion in programs, which is in line with the estimated $11 billion impact of the unjustified retaliatory tariffs on U.S. agricultural goods. And in a story from Rod Bain, a Senior USDA official explains how the new producer relief plan will mitigate tariff-related impacts to livestock and dairy producers.

How Relief Plan Helps Livestock and Dairy Producers

Read more about the plan here.

Numerous groups comment on the relief package. You can read those comments here. Not all reactions to the relief package were positive. Read about some of those comments here.