Former GMA Members Create New Food Lobby

Dan Industry News Release

A Group of former Grocery Manufacturers Association members announced a new coalition called the Sustainable Food Policy Alliance. Founding member companies include Danone North America, Mars, foodIncorporated, Nestlé USA and Unilever United States.

In the announcement, the coalition says it is focused on “driving progress in public policies that shape what people eat and how it impacts their health, communities, and the planet.” The group will advocate on five key areas, including consumer transparency, the environment, food safety, nutrition and people and communities. However, specifically, at launch, two policy areas the Alliance intends to engage on include nutrition labeling and carbon emissions.

In a joint statement, alliance members said the group is “committed to a collaborative approach and to listen and learn about issues” affecting the food system “from the field to the store shelf and beyond.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.