Agri View: California and Other State Losses in a Trade War

Dan Agri View, Economy, Exports/Imports

trade warThe talk of a trade war has had an impact on every commodity. What about its impact on agriculture. Everett Griner talks about California and their expanding losses from the trade war and tariff talk in today’s Agri View.

California and Other State Losses in a Trade War

Efforts to settle this trade war between China and our country, farmers continue to lose money. Look at the pork industry. From farmers to processors. That is not the only problem. If you want to count the big losses, look at California. Not only wine and nuts. But anybody can see where the trouble is. Three products. Wine, almonds, and pistachios.  It will take a half billion dollars to cover the new duties on California products.

I mentioned three products. It goes way beyond that. Oranges, grapes, apples, cherries, and pork. I don’t have time to break it down by individual products. All are already being hit by a price differences.

Let me finish by saying this. Although California losses hurt, they are not the only state to be subject.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…