Agri View: Strawberry Consumption

Dan Agri View, Fruits

consumptionDid you know that America’s favorite fruit doesn’t grow on a tree? Everett Griner talks about the consumption of strawberries in today’s Agri View.

Strawberry Consumption

What if I told you that America’s favorite fruit doesn’t grow on a tree. It has to be planted every year. I guess you know by now that I am talking about strawberries.

Although it is a crop grown widely in the United States. You likely know that most of the crop from California. One reason is the long and mild winters. You probably don’t know that a large volume of strawberries comes to the United States imported from Mexico. Based on current population the average person ate 4 pounds of strawberries last year. One other statistic. Last years crop was bigger, and better, than this year’s. Finally, products made from strawberries outsells the fresh variety.

I already knew that. Did you?

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…