Freedom Caucus Farm Bill Support Still Uncertain

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Freedom Caucus members have yet to submit unison support for the House farm bill. The House set a revote deadline for this Friday when the farm bill failed because Democrats and the Freedom Caucus Republicans voted against the measure.

freedom caucusNow, Bloomberg reports some members have not voiced support for the farm bill, including Virginia Republican David Brat, who says “I’m not there yet.” Brat would not say whether if immigration legislation was holding him back. However, other members of the Freedom Caucus, Like North Carolina’s Mark Meadows, say they are willing to support the farm bill if they get a vote on immigration legislation.

Meanwhile, a House Rules Committee spokesperson told The Hagstrom Report in that if the farm bill vote is not held by Friday “a new rule would have to be passed.” However, Louisiana Congressman and House Majority Whip Steve Scalise says the deadline is flexible.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.