Brand New Georgia Forage Website

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Research

georgia forageThe University of Georgia Forage Extension program has a lot of information on its website, so transitioning their site to a new format has been a major undertaking. But it was recently announced that the final product of months of work have come to fruition. The brand new website transition is complete and the new site is up and running. If you spent time on the old website, then you’ll notice some things have moved, but they say the redesign was done with the user in mind. The page minimizes the clicks to navigate to the desired information and the search functions are made more powerful. The new design also allows easier viewing on mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets.

The website, which began as back in 2004, was updated to a new format in 2007, shortly after Dr. Dennis Hancock’s arrival. And while a lot of content has been added since that time, this is the first major update to the site’s design the past eleven years. So be sure and check it out at