Agri View: Changing to a More Profitable Crop

Dan Agri View, Cotton, Specialty Crops

profitableEverett Griner tells us what caused one producer to convert his entire farm from growing cotton and pecans to just growing and producing pecans. Everett talks about producers switching to a more profitable crop in today’s Agri View.

Changing to a More Profitable Crop

I was waiting my turn at the barber shop. I picked up a farm magazine and here is the story that caught my attention.

A man grows 400 acres of cotton. Not a record breaker, but a very good crop. It didn’t say how many bales. But, his profit on a bale of cotton was less than that on a pair of blue jeans. This man also has an 8 acre grove of pecan trees. His profit from that 8 acres surpassed any cotton crop he had ever produced.

Well, you already know the rest of the story. He now plans to turn his entire farm into a pecan farm. It isn’t the easiest thing to do because pecan tree seedlings, the variety he wants to plant, are not in abundant supply. It may take several years to find that many seedling trees.

What got me was, the profit on a single bale of cotton was than that on a singly pair of blue jeans. Hum!

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…