U.S. House Fails to Pass 2018 Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Legislative

In a vote of 198-yes, 213-no, the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass H.R. 2, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018, or as we know it the 2018 Farm Bill. 30 Republicans joined 183 Democrats in house farm bill debatedefeating bill.

While Republican leaders were confident ahead of the vote, many members of leadership were seen on the floor holding last-minute negotiations.

Democrats had said all along they would vote against the bill due to their opposition of the stricter work requirements in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. But another issue that came up complicating passage of the bill, was immigration.

So all eyes are now on the Senate as they are expected to hold a markup session on its version next week. Some are saying that Farm Bill legislation that heads to President Trump’s desk will need more bipartisan support for him to sign it.

The current farm bill expires September 30, 2018.

Read the reactions from Ag Secretary Perdue, Chairman Conaway, Senator Yoho and agriculture groups.