Agri View: Crop Prospects

Dan Agri View, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Soybeans

cropEverett Griner talks about the USDA forecast changes for the southeast in today’s Agri View. Everett gives his outlook of the report for the southeast, and his predictions of what is missing from the report.

Crop Prospects

The USDA Crop Planting Report came out back in late March. The portion I received only covered the Southeast. It prophesied some of the changes you could expect. Essentially, it said more cotton, less peanuts.

No indication of corn or soybeans. A lot of both are grown in the Southeast. There is a lot of corn grown, even in Florida. Not a major amount but nearly 100,000 acres. By the way Florida also grows 120,000 acres of cotton. Florida also grows 150,000 acres of peanuts. So, the image of citrus only should be blotted from a lot of people’s mind now. Other Southeastern states will plant a lot of soybeans and corn.

These are predictions now, so remember that.

A lot of these crops should be in the ground by now. So, the rest of the way it is up to the weather.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…