Celebrating National Love a Tree Day

Dan Forestry, This Land of Ours

tree dayIt is time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Cathy Isom lets you know why you’ll want to celebrate all the wonderful things about trees today. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Celebrating National Love a Tree Day

Today is Love a Tree Day! And there are so many reasons why we would want to love and celebrate these wonderful earthly gifts that do so much for us and our planet.

Most species of trees tend to be long-lived. There are some trees that live to be thousands of years old. The tallest known tree is 379 feet tall. Aside from just being beautiful landscape and a shady canopy on a warm sunny day, trees play a significant role. They reduce erosion and moderate climate as well as give us oxygen. Large quantities of carbon are stored in their tissues as trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Celebrate today by planting a tree, giving a tree as a gift, or investing your time learning more about trees and their significant role in nature. Also use the hashtag #loveatreeday when posting on social media.

I’m Cathy Isom…