Seeking BQA Awards Nominations

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release

bqa awardsApplications for the 12th annual National Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Awards are being accepted until June 1. The 2019 National BQA Awards recognize five winners in the areas of beef, dairy, marketing and education:

  • The BQA Cow Calf and BQA Feedyard award recognizes producers who best demonstrate the implementation of BQA principles as part of the day-to-day activities on their respective operations.
  • The BQA / FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) award honors those dairy operations that demonstrate the best in animal care and handling while implementing the BQA and FARM programs at the highest levels.
  • The BQA Marketer Award acknowledges livestock markets, cattle buyers and supply-chain programs that promote BQA to their customers and offer them opportunities to get certified.
  • The BQA Educator Award celebrates individuals or companies that provide high quality and innovative training to individuals that care and handle cattle throughout the industry chain.

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