USDA Celebrates World Trade Month

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The Department of Agriculture is celebrating May as World Trade Month. In doing so, the department is highlighting its success and commitment to expanding trade of agricultural exports.

usdaAgriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue says he is “proud of the progress we make each day” at USDA regarding trade.

The celebration comes as the U.S., however, is amid a trade dispute with China, and the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Agricultural trade is critical for the U.S. farm sector and the American economy. In 2017, U.S. exports of food and farm products totaled $138.4 billion, up from $134.7 billion in 2016. Additionally, farm exports supported more than 1.1 million American jobs across the entire economy, according to USDA.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.