EPA Chief Faces Tough Questions

Dan Industry News Release

A Politico report says Environmental Protection Agency Chief Scott Pruitt had a simple task during recent Congressional hearings, which was to keep his conservative backers happy. In turn, that may keep the president happy.


Scott Pruitt

Democrats and environmentalists panned Pruitt’s job performance as the EPA head is facing a number of ethical and spending questions. Most Republicans seemed pleased enough with his performance that he may have saved his job, for now. However, President Donald Trump hasn’t weighed in with his thoughts yet.

One Republican who is close to the White House tells Politico that, “As long as Pruitt’s explanations hold and there are no crazy discrepancies or smoking guns, I don’t think that creates any red flags for Pruitt.”

Pruitt’s shifting answers to questions about controversial staff raises for two of his aides raised concerns that he hasn’t been completely up front. Pruitt also used the two hearings before lawmakers to blame his torrent of scandals on EPA career staff.

Pruitt said during one hearing, “Let me be very clear: I have nothing to hide as it relates to how I’ve run the agency for the past 16 months.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.