Trade Coalition Launches Effort Against U.S. Tariffs

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A new effort seeks to protect U.S. agriculture from trade retaliation. Americans for Farmers and Families Tuesday announced the “Retaliation Hurts Rural Families” project.
Former Missouri state lawmaker and spokesperson for the project, Casey Guernsey, says the effort will help farmers and ranchers “communicate with one voice” to the Trump administration that “rural and farming communities must be heard.”

The project is using spokespeople, like Guernsey, to convey agriculture’s message on trade through media. Organizers hope the effort will help protect U.S. agriculture from retaliation due to President Trump’s tariffs on U.S. steel and aluminum imports.

Guernsey says the tariffs “negatively impact” agriculture as U.S. trade partners are targeting U.S. ag products for retaliation. He says the retaliation efforts will represent “real job losses and real lack of market access” for U.S. farmers.

The coalition was originally formed to protect agriculture’s interest in the North American Free Trade Agreement.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.