Exchanging Seeds at a Seed Library

Dan Seeds, This Land of Ours

Cathy Isom fills you in about how you can start a garden by exchanging seeds like library books. That story’s ahead on This Land of Ours.

Exchanging Seeds at a Seed Library

Whether or not your new to gardening or looking for a new way to grow your own flowers and produce – a seed library may be worth looking into.

exchanging seedsSeed libraries are “cropping up”, no pun intended, across the country. Seed libraries “lend” seeds to individuals, who then take them home, grow them, save the seeds and return them to the library.

In libraries across the country, anyone can borrow from their collection of seeds for free with no library card needed. Just like a library where books are being borrowed, seed library borrowers can optionally return the seeds once their own plants sprout, based on an honor system.

Many of the libraries and museums with seed libraries also offer classes on organic gardening and how to harvest seeds to collect after their plants have grown.

Now is the perfect time to start thinking about those seeds that can turn into your spring and summertime meals, straight from your very own homegrown garden.

I’m Cathy Isom…

Learn more at The Seed Library Social Network or Seeds Libraries Movement.