Agri View: Urban Farming

Dan Agri View, Vegetables

urban farmingEverett Griner talks about urban farming just another way to grow food in today’s Agri View.

Urban Farming

There is a new term for small vegetable production. At least it is new to me. Urban farming. It is directed at small plots of land within the city. I mean small lots. Less than one-quarter acre.

urban farmingIt is a way to show people who live in town that they can have access fresh vegetables. It is not as easy for family on food stamps to travel great distances to buy fresh vegetables.

Urban farming can be a place no bigger than a flower bed. Simply remove the flowers and plant 8 to 10 foot rows of beans, tomatoes, peas, and carrots. It only requires a small amount of seed, plants, and fertilizer. And, properly managed, it can supply a serious harvest of fresh vegetables otherwise unavailable.

Urban farming. Get used to it.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…