Florida Peanut Producers Hold Annual Meeting

Dan Industry Videos-Promoting Agriculture, Peanuts

florida peanutThe Florida Peanut Producers Association (FPPA) held their annual membership meeting Thursday evening at the Jackson County Agriculture Conference Center in Marianna. FPPA Executive Director, Ken Barton was pleased with the event, where those attending were able to taste the new Elmhurst’s Milked Peanuts and Milked Peanuts with Chocolate.

Florida Peanut Producers Hold Annual Meeting

Peanut milk is now on the market and America’s peanut farmers couldn’t be prouder. Three Georgia peanut farmers give Elmhurst(TM) Milked Peanuts with Chocolate(TM) a try. Discover what they love about it and why you will too. Visit nationalpeanutboard.org and elmurst.com for more information.