February Garden Prep for Spring Gardening

Dan This Land of Ours

februaryFebruary is the month to prepare your garden and flower beds. Cathy Isom has some things you can do right now to get your garden or flower bed ready for spring. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

February Garden Prep for Spring Gardening

When weather permits, February can be a great month for getting that garden in order as you prepare for what is to come in the spring.

For your flower beds, re-fertilize cool season flower beds using a liquid or granular form of fertilizer. Just be careful not to apply an excessive amount and keep granules away from the base of stems.

Another way to prepare your flower beds for spring planting is by adding and incorporating soil amendments like mushroom compost, manure or homemade compost.  Till or spade the bed to incorporate the amendments with the existing soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Allow the prepared beds to lie undisturbed for 3 to 4 weeks before planting.

February is also a good month to prune back rose bushes and replenish mulch in flower beds.

I’m Cathy Isom…