Agri View: Banner Pecan Nut Year

Dan Agri View, Fruits

pecan nutEverett Griner talks about Whole pecan nut industry growing in today’s Agri View.

Banner Pecan Nut Year

Now, Georgia’s 2017 pecan crop was almost a record breaker until that destructive Hurricane Irma tore through. Things were not that bad in the western states. Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas. They had a very productive season.

But, this report is about the growth of pecan production in the west. In December, the estimate of the final harvest in the western states was expected to be a new record. New Mexico’s crop alone was pegged at 80 million pounds. The figure reflects the plantings in the last 15 years. Arizona has also increased tree plantings in the last few years.

One thing that is behind the growth of the pecan industry is-exports-80 million pounds. This applies to the whole region from New Mexico to Georgia.

The pecans are now on the Health Food list. This is good for the whole world. So, the growth will continue.

That’s Agri View for today, I’m Everett Griner…