Healthy Eating Snacks for the Super Bowl

Dan This Land of Ours

healthy eatingIf you are searching for healthy eating snacks for the big game, Cathy Isom has some helpful ways to keep your waistline in check on Super Bowl Sunday. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Healthy Eating Snacks for the Super Bowl

It may be hard to believe, but on average many of us watching the Super Bowl – and eating during the game – will consume a whole days worth of calories in just a short few hours. By the end of the day, that number could very well be doubled!

Here are some things you can do so you’re not feeling super guilty on Monday.

Chicken wings – enjoy them baked, not fried. If it’s a pizza kind of a day, fill up on veggies first, then watch portion size. It also helps to drink a full glass of water before eating. If you can, skip on the adult beverages and all of the empty calories you won’t miss come Monday morning.

For that famous seven layer dip, substitute greek yogurt in place of sour cream. Add taco seasoning to the yogurt and stir it up really good. Your guests will be happily surprised. Baked corn chips can be substituted for fried chips. And sweet potato skins, instead of regular potatoes.

With just a little bit of planning, and some careful substitutions, your healthy snack options will score a touchdown – and you’ll feel a lot better the next day.

I’m Cathy Isom…