Ultra-Low Gossypol Cottonseed Part of Cotton Incorporated Research Activities
Cotton Incorporated-funded research into the suppression of gossypol in cottonseed is being reviewed by USDA-APHIS for a determination of non-regulated status for a specific type of ultra-low gossypol cottonseed (ULGCS) referred to as TAM66274. Cotton Incorporated has funded research at Texas A&M AgriLife Research of College Station on this technology because of its potential to enhance the use of protein contained in cottonseed, to enhance the value of cottonseed to producers, and to enhance the overall sustainability of cotton and cottonseed production. Texas A&M AgriLife Research of College Station submitted the request to USDA-APHIS in accordance with the agency’s regulations.
USDA-APHIS issued a Federal Register notice seeking comments on this issue. The notice is at 82 F.R. 57426 and is available at the following link:
George LaCour, Louisiana cotton producer and Chairman of The Cotton Board said, “Cotton Incorporated has been working on this technology for many years. Gossypol naturally occurs in cottonseed and limits its potential as animal feed. This technology could broaden the animal feed market for cottonseed.”
According to Dr. Kater Hake, Vice President of Agricultural and Environmental Research at Cotton Incorporated, “the only difference between ULGCS and conventional cottonseed is the low gossypol level in the seed. ULGCS expands the opportunities for cottonseed in the food and feed sectors, without adversely affecting the quality or value of the fiber or other byproducts such as hulls and linters. Extensive field evaluations demonstrated that ULGCS poses no greater ecological risk than conventional cotton varieties.”
USDA-APHIS will consider all comments received on or before February 5, 2018.