NAFTA on Farmers’ Minds, China Bigger Trade Challenge

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

naftaThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks may be foremost on farmers’ minds these days, but two deputy U.S. Trade Representative nominees told Senate Finance members, China is the bigger trade challenge.

President Trump tapped Dennis Shea to be a deputy U.S. Trade Representative to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, and Shea, who’s headed the China-U.S. Economic and Security Review Commission, told his confirmation hearing, addressing China’s trade barriers will be key.


From massive government subsidies to intellectual property theft and market access barriers, Shea argues China is not a fair trader.


And, from fellow Deputy USTR nominee CJ Mahone.


Dennis Shea vowed to work to implement USDA’s Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Task Force goals to open markets and ensure science-based treatment of US goods.

But, lawmakers are concerned that possible new U.S. tariffs and quotas on Chinese manufactured goods like solar panels and washing machines could spark a trade war, compelling China to punish U.S. beef, soybeans and other ag products.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.