Agri View: Pecan Consumption

Dan Agri View, Specialty Crops

pecan consumptionEverett Griner checks out pecan consumption as compared to other tree nuts in today’s Agri View.

Pecan Consumption

Tree nut exports from the United States have grow steadily in the last decade. All tree nuts. California has led the way because of its variety of tree nuts. Southern pecan growers are working hard to increase their slice of the pie.

Pecans are generally regarded as the true American native tree nut. It doesn’t get the international recognition of others. Even though it sounds strange, the pecan is the most widely used tree nut in this country. It is more acceptable in making pies and other pastries than walnuts or pistachios.

China has increased its import of pecans. More than any other nut. If you stop and look at the whole picture, all U.S. tree nuts are growing in demand, both here at home and abroad.

I’m Everett Griner…