USDA Wants Farmer Input on Government Regulations

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Trade

regulationsSecretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue spoke to the crowd at the American Farm Bureau’s annual convention on Monday, just ahead of President Trump.

According to a DTN article, Perdue told the crowd that the administration will soon present what it wants to see in the new farm bill. Although Congress actually writes the farm bill, the administration will present some “principles” they’d like to see kept in mind as the legislation comes together. Perdue says it’s the administration’s way of letting Congress know what they’ve heard from farmers and ranchers across the country.

Perdue talked about the administration’s moves to cut down on federal regulations and asked the people in attendance what regulations they’d like to see removed. He wants people to “tell us what regulations are standing in the way of your prosperity and productivity.” The secretary urged people to go to the USDA website and tell them “what the silliest and most onerous rules are.” He also said the administration recognizes there is a lot of anxiety over the future of trade, but did say the administration is committed to finishing the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.