Kansas Senator Says Keep Pressure on Administration to Finish NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

kansasKansas Republican Senator Jerry Moran headlined a weekend discussion at the American Farm Bureau national convention titled “What’s the latest on the upcoming Farm Bill?”

Moran said it was a great opportunity to speak before Farm Bureau members regarding the upcoming farm bill, the farm safety net, and the importance of protecting the rural way of life across America. “I’ve heard not only from Kansas producers but also growers across the country, how important it is that Congress work in a bipartisan fashion to get a farm bill and a disaster relief bill to the President’s desk as quickly as possible,” he says. The conference also allowed extensive discussion on the importance of trade to agriculture. “Our nation’s farmers and ranchers earn their living through ag exports and trade,” Moran says, “and I will continue to insist the administration remembers the importance that agricultural trade plays in the economy.”

Moran urged the farm bureau members to continue to convey the importance of trade to both Secretary Perdue and President Trump in the months ahead.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.