2018 Crop Prices Outlook

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

crop pricesA University of Illinois economist expects 2018 crop prices to remain below high levels seen earlier this decade due to global inventories.

Economist Todd Hubbs explains that global economic growth continues to build on the momentum seen over the last year, offering some limited upside for demand. Growth in China and emerging markets in Asia is projected to remain strong throughout 2018. The prospects of improved growth support commodity demand, but significant changes to trade policy could mitigate the demand growth in export markets. Meanwhile, Hubbs says that the livestock markets continue to respond to the growing demand for meat globally and lower feed costs. Prices in the livestock sector look to level out after declining from the highs seen in 2014 and the subsequent supply response. Meanwhile, livestock production levels are expected to increase in 2018.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.