AFBF, NFU, Joint Survey Shows Impact of Opioid Epidemic on Rural America

Dan Industry News Release

afbfA survey by Morning Consult shows 74 percent of farmers and farm workers say they have been directly impacted by opioid abuse. A collaboration between the American Farm Bureau Federation and National Farmers Union, AFBF President Zippy Duvall says the survey is a united approach to the opioid crisis.


National Farmers Union President Roger Johnson says the survey shows the challenges rural America faces in combating opioid addiction.


The survey found that a strong majority of rural Americans believe that reducing the shame or stigma around opioid addiction can be effective in solving the opioid crisis. Duvall says that Farm Bureau and National Farmers Union want to tell folks in rural America that help is available.


That’s AFBF President Zippy Duvall.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.