Turkey Leftovers. What to do?

Dan This Land of Ours

leftoversLook at all of that food! Not to worry. Cathy Isom has some great tips for you now that the Thanksgiving feast is over… what to do with all of those leftovers. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.


After family and friends have left and it’s time to clean up, you might find yourself a little overwhelmed by looking at all of those Thanksgiving leftovers.

Thankfully, there are  many ways to make use all of that extra food in dozens of meal ideas and recipes. Such as Turkey  Cobb sandwiches, Turkey Pumpkin Chili, Sweet Potato Soup, Turkey sloppy joes, turkey pot pies, or throw several of those leftovers together for a leftover Thanksgiving casserole.

Use the turkey bones to make stock then throw it in the freezer for future winter cooking.

In addition to repurposing your food, make sure to compost and recycle whenever possible. Make sure to rinse out cans and jar and paper products and put them in their respective recycle bins.

For information and tips on composting and recycling for a sustainable holiday, go to begin with the bin dot org forward slash Thanksgiving.

I’m Cathy Isom…