Tax Reform, Crop Yields, Commodity Prices

Dan Economy, Farm Bill, Industry News Release

tax reformThere’s lots of talk about tax reform, crop yields, and commodity prices these days, but little about a 2018 farm bill. And it now appears formal writing of a new farm bill may have to wait ‘til next year. Earlier in the year, there was lots of talk about a new farm bill.

That was August. Two months later, Democrat Debbie Stabenow’s comments were followed by Ag Chair Pat Roberts on the difficulty in moving USDA nominations.

It’s now the end of November and the Senate and House Ag committees have still not written a farm bill, despite behind-the-scenes staff work. Longtime Senator Chuck Grassley says part of the delay is also “budget problems”.

But with just three or four-weeks left before Christmas, the original hope of getting producers a farm bill this year.

That may now be just a fleeting hope, as 2018 rapidly approaches.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.