Most Popular Thanksgiving Side Dishes

Dan This Land of Ours, Vegetables

thanksgiving side dishesWhat is your favorite? Cathy Isom gives us the most popular Thanksgiving side dishes. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.



Thanksgiving dinner wouldn’t be complete without a roast turkey or a ham as the star of the dining room table. But the dishes surrounding the stars on your plate matter, too.

So, folks at The Daily used a combination of Google analytics, along with their own expertise, to rank the top 12 side dishes for Thanksgiving. Some may or may not surprise you.

Coming in 12th place is corn, followed by glazed carrots, candied yams and creamed spinach. Brussel sprouts holds the 8th spot, sweet potato casserole is ranked 7th. Green bean casserole at # 6, while cranberry came in 5th. The # 4 spot of favorite side dish must haves belongs to rolls. Macaroni and cheese is the 3rd choice. Of course every turkey needs its stuffing. That’s the second most popular dish. And the # 1 most popular side dish… mashed potatoes.

I’m Cathy Isom…