Dairy Producers Look for Solutions in 2018 Farm Bill

Dan Dairy, Farm Bill, Industry News Release

dairy2018 promises to be a big year for the dairy industry. An important part of the conversation will be managing volatility and how to improve current price support programs.

Like all of agriculture, the dairy industry is eagerly awaiting the launch of a new Farm Bill in January 2019.

Policies to improve the current economic climate for the nation’s milk producers are currently being discussed — including ways to navigate unpredictable market swings.

Industry expert Bob Cropp of the University of Wisconsin-Madison explains that fluctuating cheese production and export markets have been a major cause of market volatility in recent years.e

Cropp offers some solutions for dairy producers to help protect their businesses.

U.S. dairymen are looking to the 2018 Farm Bill to stabilize prices and continue providing dependable milk markets. Cropp says that the USDA’s existing Margin Protection Program could be on the chopping block.

Preliminary hearings on the 2018 Farm Bill are currently underway, and the nation’s dairy producers will continue to play a critical role in policy development.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.