Evergreen Herbs for Your Garden

Dan This Land of Ours

evergreenCathy Isom fills us in about the evergreen herbs you’ll want to have for year-round color and harvesting. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.



There are plants that don’t mind the change of seasons and can hang tough with the best of them keeping their leaves even during the coldest of times. They’re called evergreens and you’ll want around your home year-round for nutritional and medicinal purposes. Especially since we are in cold and flu season.

evergreenAside from that some are quite beautiful and can make the garden pop with color. Here are 7 herbs you might want to consider adding to your vegetable and ornamental garden beds. Rosemary, Lavender, Sage, Thyme, Bay, Winter Savoy and Parsley. Technically, Parsley is not an evergreen. But it is cold hardy and will stay green throughout the winter.  Any of these seven herbs can make a great winter bouquet, a wonderful color palette and be a great flavor addition to just about anything you create in the kitchen. Their only requirement:  a place with well-drained soil and plenty of sun to keep up their end of the bargain year-round.

I’m Cathy Isom…